Monday, March 16, 2009


Hello again!

Ok ok i knowww this is not the much awaited pix of the March Edition Pesona Tudungs, but i got a request from my online fren Miu for a review on Juno. As you may have read in my previous entry about Juno's soundtrack, I think the world of this movie. It is ama-Zing, with a capital Z. Hehe.

Juno Movie Poster

So basically the movie is about teenage pregnancy in the US and and the effects it has on her and the people around her. The trailer didn't quite make me wanna watch it, but after seeing all the Oscar nominations this movie got, it kinda caught my eye. And after watching it for the first time, i was hooked! Just the animated intro of the movie had me hook, line and sinker.

As a whole, it's a very straight forward movie. Simple, unpretentious. No melodramatic scenes of breaking down like there's no tomorrow when she found out that she was pregnant. I guess that's one of the things that caught my attention in the first place. How nonchalant and cavalier this girl Juno can be when the world she knows will be changed forever by her pregnancy. If you were faced with such a predicament, i'm guessing you gotta be one helluva strong-willed gal to take such an ordeal in stride.

Well that's what this movie is all about really. A young girl with an iron will and laid back attitude going through an unwanted pregnancy. I'm sure you've prolly seen a movie with a similar storyline, but let me tell ya, you have never seen one with such fantastic dialogues! I mean, the script to this movie is everything. Its the main reason why i love this movie so much. But then i've always been a sucker for movies with great scripts.. hehe.

Here are some quotes from the movie that I find is so refreshingly hilarious and one-of-a-kind:

Juno: [On her birth mom's abandonment] Oh, and she inexplicably mails me a cactus every Valentine's Day. And I'm like, "Thanks a heap coyote ugly. This cactus-gram stings even worse than your abandonment."

Juno: Can I use the facilities? Because being pregnant makes me pee like Seabiscuit!

Mac (Juno's Dad): [a very pregnant Juno enters the room] Hey there, big puffy version of Junebug!

Juno: As far as boyfriends go, Paulie Bleeker is totally boss. He is the cheese to my macaroni.

Bren (Juno's Stepmom): [comeback to an ultrasound technician's holier-than-thou remark] My five-year-old daughter could do that, and let me tell you, she is not the brightest bulb in the tanning bed, so why don't you go back to night school in Mankato and learn a real trade?

Juno: [yelling through the house] Dad?
Mac: What?
Juno: Either I just peed my pants or um...
Mac: *Or*...??

Of course, besides the fab script, the acting was impeccable. Ellen Page could not have done a better job. Her co-stars were all great, too, and its no surprise since most of 'em are well-known for their comedic acts in sitcoms and such. The soundtrack to this movie is absolutely fitting. Juvenile, funny lyrics and simplistic acoustic music is the main ingredient in most of the songs listed in its soundtrack, all from non-mainstream acts.

So if you've not seen the movie... PLEASE do! I give it 20 thumbs and fingers up.. hehe. And rest assured that even though its a comedy, it is not without any drama or poignant moments to complete the movie.

Spoiler Alert: Be ready with a hanky when you see Bleeker holding Juno while she cries in the hospital bed.

All in all, I deem Juno:

RaveFactor: 5/5 <-- It's "Golden", man... ;D

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